19 children killed. This is the 3rd day, and no matter how much Twitter I eat, 19 children are still stuck in my throat. I want them to go away, get digested and become part of my thick skin. One day, it will be ‘yet another’ school shooting until it no more bothers me. God forbid!
Who was that young man? Anger does not permit me to say his name. But why was he? Why was he, him? Why are all killers of the innocents, them? Where were they manufactured? Who programmed these malevolent killing machines?
Great young men are manufactured elsewhere. We know those factories well. Families with Mom and Dad, initial programming labs with siblings and playmates, advanced programming at school, church, boy scouts, YMCA, sports training, volunteering, and camping trips. Where are these labs now? Are they shutting down?
Millions of dollars spent on R&D shows Mom and Dad need to stick together for their own wellbeing as well as making kids of greater quality - young men of integrity, principled workers, loving husbands. But to no avail. Mom & Dad, which is the backward integration plant for every other factory that follow, is shutting down.
First of all Mom and Dad are refusing to merge. Second of all, even if there is a merger, they dissolve the partnership in about 8 years almost half the time. 2nd and 3rd-time mergers have higher dissolution rates of up to 70%.
The next in line is Church. Church improves physical and psychological health as well as provides social networks & support. Church proscribes certain harmful foods and substances which promote greater health benefits. But churches are shutting down, especially churches in Black communities. The young men who need it most are abandoned for a second time.
Then comes the Boy Scouts.
“A boy is a fruitful thing for a thoughtful spectator to contemplate” - John Stuart Blackie (Notes of a Life).
The program is designed to help boys to grow into valuable and useful citizens. The boy who has received scout training can claim to have graduated in the university of practical life. The Scout movement prepared boys for the struggles of life. But, alas, today it is demonized and in decline.
By now you might be (as I am) too depressed to find out what happened to the YMCA. In 1821, George Williams (an assistant in a draper’s shop) and a group of fellow drapers organized the first YMCA. Young men thronged the cities at the height of the Industrial Revolution for work and they were far from their families, cut off from social networks - especially church. YMCA was a sort of substitute Bible study and prayer for life on the streets. By 1851 YMCA membership had risen to 2,700. That same year the Y arrived in North America. In 1866, the influential New York YMCA adopted a fourfold purpose: "The improvement of the spiritual, mental, social and physical condition of young men."
YMCA also invented sports like basketball, volleyball, and racquetball. Whether it caused good or harm is not the issue. Instead of capturing young men to improve their condition, the Y did take a turn to capture market share. Values were replaced with character at a time when virtue (or vice) became a ‘point of view’. Y tried to become the world’s best friend offering everything from daycare to higher education. Today, membership is declining. It is no more a place where young men found structure and discipline. No more a place of camaraderie and coming together uniting through religious values.
There was a positive correlation between the number of costly requirements a commune imposed and the total lifespan of that group. The higher the price of membership, the longer the group survived. - Dimitris Xygalatas (Ritual: How Seemingly Senseless Acts Make Life Worth Living)
And so, there is no more the real and beneficial (to the programming of young men) YMCA available.
The breakdown of these ‘programming institutions’ are resulting in young men becoming isolated, rebellious, disillusioned, and violent. There are no more value systems nor any emphasis on character-building. Today, we are at a place of no absolutes. No right and wrong. Individual rights and freedoms trump those of the collective. In the absence of traditional programmers, society, MSM, and social media are programming selfish individualism in our young men today. This goes counter to our evolution. No wonder young people are mentally and psychologically displaced. That displacement has caused a young man to shoot his grandmother and then go and kill 19 innocent children.